
Notes on Falling

Intention > Accident > Fear > Surprise > Realisation > Purpose

Driven by excitement + guided by discernment

  1. You may need to get more or less sleep.
  2. Eat higher vibrational foods that are live and fresh. Avoid dead processed food. Drink water in sufficient quantity.
  3. Do the type of work or exercises that assist grounding
  4. Throw out everything in your life that you do not like or enjoy.
  5. Get out of any soul destroying job.
  6. Maintain pure intent and integrity.
  7. Cancel any negative thoughts as they arise.
  8. Don’t allow yourself to wallow in criticism and judgement.
  9. Maintain an absolute viewpoint of unconditional love for all life.
  10. Concentrate on your breath to keep in the moment.

Readymade crew

Natalie Appleton, Nicole Appleton, Gerhard Behles, Melanie Blatt, Mariah Carey, Don DuBose, Geoff Emerick, Tom Evans, Magnus Fiennes, Marlin Greene, Pete Ham, Robert Henke, Quin Ivy, Robert Jazayeri, Peter Jubel, Calvin Lewis, Shaznay Lewis, Jessica Lord, Jim Marr, Sean Mather, Cameron McVey, Paul Nasca, Ernst Nathorst-Böös, Wendy Page, Leian Piper, Andy Puddicombe, Joe Rich, Bernd Roggendorf, Percy Sledge, Sandy Stevenson, Andrew Wright, Marcus Zetterquist.

koe.pt/falling by @Oliver_w_Scott 2015

Part of body of work for Kunst Kernewek titled: ฿elieve by 0$